Creating Appointment Slots

Creating Appointment Slots

  1. Go to calendar.google.com and sign into your Beloit account.
  2. Click on the calendar background for the date and start time that you want to create your event.
  3. In the event pop-up box, select Appointment slots.
  4. Click on the Add Title field, and then fill in a title for the calendar event.
  5. Click on the More Options link to go to the Event Details screen.
  6. Fill in the details of your appointment. A few options to consider:
    • Start and End Times - events default to one hour, but can be extended as needed
    • Start and End Dates - can be set to one day, or a range of dates for recurring appointments.
    • Appointment Duration - set the default time duration for appointments.
    • Repeat Event - set a repeat for recurring office hours or appointment availability.
  7. Copy the This Calendar's Appointment Page link. This link can be:
    • Sent to the individuals or groups that you would like to book appointments.  
    • Shared via a webpage, doc, or email signature.
  8. After you have all of the details setup, click the blue Save button.
  9. Your appointment slots will now be available for users to self-select and book.

Note: Once you have setup appointment slots and shared the link, users can Request Appointments, and then you will need to Manage Appointment Requests.

Selecting Appointment Slots

Screenshot of Selecting Appointment Slots in Google Calendar

Setup Appointment Details

Screenshot of Setting up Appointment Slots Details