Adding Video Conferencing Calls to a Calendar Event

Adding Video Conferencing Calls to a Calendar Event

This article assumes that you have already Created a Calendar Event and Invited Guests.

  1. Go to calendar.google.com and sign into your Beloit account.
  2. Click on the event you want to edit, then click the Edit (Pencil) icon.
  3. Click on the Add Conference dropdown in the Event Details section.
  4. Select Hangouts from the video conferencing options.
  5. By default the Hangout call will be labeled with your username.  To change the name/title for the hangout:
    1. click the Edit (Pencil) icon next to the Hangout name and
    2. type in a new name for the Hangout
    3. Click the gray Confirm (Check Mark) icon to accept the edits to the Hangout name.
  6. Click the blue Save button to save the changes to the calendar event and notify guests.

Check out the Launching a Hangouts call from a Calendar Event for more details on connecting to your guests.

Select Hangout

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