Create a Quiz

Create a Quiz

Adding a quiz

Follow the steps given below to add a quiz. 

  1. Turn on editing in your course by clicking the Turn on editing button in the upper right or the Turn on editing link in the Administration block on the left.
  2. Click the Add an activity or resource link in the section where you want the quiz to appear.
  3. Click Quiz in the Add an activity or resource window and then click the Add button.

Adding questions

The first time you create a quiz, you can click the Edit quiz button in the center of the screen to start adding questions.  After you have added at least one question, you can get to the question-adding screen by clicking the Edit quiz link in the Administration block of the quiz.

Follow the steps given below to add questions to a quiz. 

  1. Click the Add a question button to create a new question.
  2. Choose your desired question type from the Choose a question type to add window, then click the Next button.
  3. Every question requires a Question name and the Question text.  
    • The Question name is for your own reference and will not be shown to students.  The Question textis the prompt of the question to which students respond.
  4. Enter appropriate answers in the Answers section of the question.
  5. Indicate which answer is correct by setting the “Grade” for that answer to be 100%.  Use the “Grade” setting to indicate partially correct alternate answers, when applicable. 
  6. Click Save changes when you are finished.

Question behavior 

The Question behavior section of the Quiz settings page is where you define how you want the questions in this quiz to behave.  The question behavior types are available in the How questions behave.

  • Deferred FeedbackStudents are not shown any feedback on their question attempts until they have completely finished the quiz.
  • Immediate FeedbackStudents are able to check their answers during the quiz and receive feedback as defined in the Review options settings.
  • Adaptive modeStudents are allowed to try questions as many times as they need to receiving feedback as defined in the Review options settings. They incur penalties for each try.
  • Adaptive mode (no penalties)Students are allowed to try questions as many times as they need to while receiving feedback as defined in the Review options settings.  No penalties are applied.
  • Interactive with multiple triesStudents are allowed multiple tries on questions, the number of tries is based on the number of Hints configured in the questions themselves.  
  • Deferred Feedback with CBMStudents are not shown any feedback on their question attempts until they have completely finished the quiz. Each question includes Certainty-Based Marking (see below).
  • Immediate Feedback with CBMStudents are able to check their answers during the quiz and receive feedback as defined in the Review options settings.Each question includes Certainty-Based Marking (see below).

Certainty-Based Marking (CBM)

Certainty-Based Marking (CBM) prompts students to indicate their confidence in their answer to each question.  Their confidence ratings also factor into their quiz scores, as well.  

Question Behavior

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