Communicating with Students

Communicating with Students

Moodle offers multiple ways to communicate with students via Announcements ForumActivity Feedback, Messaging, and Quickmail. Below are brief descriptions of each and links to additional documentation on the various tools.


Activity Feedback Comments

Feedback is embedded into all graded Moodle course activities. Feedback may be given to students through the grading interface tools in Moodle for activities such as (but not limited to) assignments, quizzes, and forums. Comments will be emailed to the student once you complete the assignment grading. Comments will also be visible in the student’s grade report view and on the assignment page in the Moodle course.


Announcements Forum

The Announcements Forum is automatically created for every Moodle course. This is a special forum which allows instructors to send out general news and announcements to anyone enrolled in their Moodle course. The Announcements Forum is a forced subscription for all enrolled students by default, but it is possible for students to unsubscribe or filter the announcement emails. The instructor will not receive an email after the announcement is sent, but the posting history is viewable within the forum activity. Posts by the Teacher to the Announcements Forum will be sent out as a digest email once per day at 5 pm. The email will be from “no-reply@beloit.edu”. When logging into a Moodle course, students will also see a tag on the Announcements Forum if they have unread posts.

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Quickmail is a third-party plugin that LITS has installed in Moodle to allow more reliable and flexible communication with students within a Moodle course. The Quickmail block is located in the Course Blocks drawer at the top right of any Moodle course. Quickmail allows instructors to email students directly from the Moodle course site. Messages are forwarded to students' campus email accounts and can include attachments. Messages may be sent to the entire class, particular students, or to groups if groups are established in the course. Copies of the messages are saved inside the Quickmail block under History. Replies are sent to the instructor's email address and not to Quickmail/Moodle.

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