

The Dashboard is the main landing page once logged into Moodle. From this page, you can quickly access your recent courses, calendar, private files, and more.






This section provides a quick overview of upcoming due dates in your current courses. Due dates and times are listed for each item. You can click on items in the Timeline section to go directly to the assignment, quiz, or activity to add your response or submission. Two dropdowns at the top of the section allow you to filter the Timeline by course, due date, overdue, etc. The search box in the upper right allows for keyword filtering of assignments. If no Timeline items are pending, a No Activities Require Action message will be displayed.




Recently Accessed Courses

This section shows the courses that you have accessed most recently. While only two courses appear at a time, you can use the arrows in the upper right corner to page through the twelve most recently accessed courses. To open a course, simply click the course tile.





This section shows the current month and notes any due dates for assignments, activities, quizzes, etc. You can also add your own calendar events by clicking New Event in the upper right corner, or import existing calendars via the link at the bottom of the calendar. A filter dropdown in the upper left allows you to filter due dates and events by course.



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