The following steps detail how to change a group from public to private. There are three settings within the Basic Permissions that you will need to change/update. They are: View Topics, Post, and Join the group. These instructions assume that you have already created a group. Navigate to your group in Google Groups and follow the steps given below.
- Click on the gear/settings icon.
- On the popup, click Group Settings.
- Click on Permissions on the left side of the screen to expand the menu.
- Click on Basic Permissions
Set the basic permissions.
View Topics - this setting determines who can see the web version of your group. To restrict the level of access to your group deselect the options you do not want. Make sure that Anyone on the web is not checked.
Post - this setting determines who can create messages and interact with your group. To restrict the level of access to your group deselect the options you do not want. Make sure that Anyone on the web is not checked.
Join the Group - this setting determines who is allowed to join your group. To restrict the level of access to your group deselect the options you do not want. Make sure that Anyone on the web is not checked. Note: The option Anyone can ask means that anyone, inside or outside the domain, may request to join your group. If you want to make the group more private, select Anyone in the organization can ask (to restrict visibility to the domain), or Only invited users (most restrictive, only those you invite will be added to the group).
- Click Save.
Then click on Information on the left side of the screen to expand the menu.
Click on Directory and check that the box next to List this group in the directory is un-checked.
Click the Save button to save the changes you made.