

Quickmail is a third-party plugin that LITS has installed in Moodle to allow more robust, reliable communication with students within a Moodle course. The Quickmail block is located in the Course Blocks drawer on the top right of any Moodle course. Quickmail allows instructors to email students directly from the Moodle course site. Messages are forwarded to students' campus email accounts and can include attachments. Messages may be sent to the entire class, particular students, or to groups if groups are established in the course. Copies of the messages are saved inside the Quickmail block under History. Replies are sent to the instructor's email address and not to Quickmail/Moodle.




Compose and Send a Message

Follow the steps below to compose a message:

  1. Click on the Course Blocks drawer button in the upper right corner to expand the Blocks sidebar.

  2. Click the Compose Course Message link inside the Quickmail block.

  3. Select recipients from the course by either using the To dropdown or by adding recipients individually.

    • Note: With groups enabled and students enrolled in each group you can also select
      group members from the Compose screen.

  4. Enter the Subject and the Body for the message.

  5. Complete the following optional settings for each message as needed:

    • Attach files by drag-and-drop or by using the file picker to upload or select a file from a connected online source.

    • Select (or create) an Email Signature.

    • If you want to send the message at a certain date/time, set that in the Send At fields.

    • Select whether you would like to Receive a send report (recommended).

  6. Click the Send Message button to send the email to the recipients, or click the Save Draft to save the message and continue working on it later.

    • If you choose to schedule the message, it can be viewed/edited later by accessing the View Scheduled menu in the Quickmail block, as long as you view/edit prior to the scheduled send date/time.

    • If you save the message as a draft, it can be edited/sent later by accessing the View Drafts menu in the Quickmail block.

Course Blocks Drawer button
Quickmail Message Compose Screen


View Sent Messages

Follow the steps given below to access a history of sent messages:

  1. Click on the Course Blocks drawer button in the upper right corner to expand the Blocks sidebar.

  2. Click the View Sent Messages link inside the Quickmail block.

  3. Click the View button on the far right column to review the message details.

Sent Message History


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