Enrolling Users in a Course

Enrolling Users in a Course

Teachers and Students are automatically enrolled in a course by the Registrar through an integration with JICS (the Portal). Students assigned manually will not show up in the Portal, so you will not be able to send them academic alerts or submit midterm and final grades for them. If a student is missing from your course, please contact the Registrar and LITS instead of manually adding the student to your course.

Follow the steps below to add course participants such as a TA, Librarian, Tutor, or Non-Editing Teacher. If you are trying to add a guest, please see the article on Enabling Guest Access to a Moodle Course.

  1. Go to the Moodle page for your course.

  2. Click the Participants link in the top navigation menu.

  3. Click the Enroll Users button on the bottom right of the screen.

  4. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the popup window to choose the role you would like to give to this user on this Moodle course. The default role when adding participants to your course is Student.

    • The Student role will give the user the ability to view the resources and participate in the activities in your Moodle course. This role should only be assigned to Registrar-enrolled students. The student role is graded and any enrolled students will automatically be added to the grade book once they are enrolled.

    • The Teacher role will give the user full editing permissions to your Moodle course. The user will be able to add, delete, and change any item on the page and add and remove users from the page. This role also has full edit access to the course and grade book.

    • The Librarian/TA role will give a user the ability to edit the course page, but not access the grade book.

    • The Tutor role is a view-only role that will allow the user to access the course page to view all course materials, but they will not appear in your grade book or be able to submit content to any course activities.

    • The Non-editing Teacher role allows the user to view the grade book, grade student submissions, but not edit the course materials.

  5. Use the search box to find the user you would like to enroll and click on their name when it appears. Multiple users can be added at the same time as long as they need the same role in the course.

  6. Click the blue Enroll Users button to add the users to your Moodle course.



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