WAC 011

WAC 011

WAC 011 is a small seminar classroom on the lower level of the World Affairs Center.  Instructional technology in this space includes a touchscreen a/v controller, wall-mounted data/video projector, wall-mounted speakers, and connections for laptop and HD devices.  

The information below documents how to accomplish common tasks with the a/v equipment in the room.


Panorama photo of WAC 011 classroom




Conference table, chairs, tablet arm desks, 20ft whiteboard.


Data/video projector, wall-mounted speakers, connections for laptop and audio.

Special Notes

  • No food or drink permitted.

  • Notify Security x2355 for access on evenings and weekends.


Projecting from a laptop or other video device

  1. Connect one of the video cables (VGA or HDMI) from the cable cubby to the corresponding port on your laptop/device.

    • For audio with VGA, plug the 3.5mm audio cable into the headphone/audio out port on your laptop/device.

  2. Press the On button on the touchscreen Crestron a/v controller to activate the room a/v system.

  3. Press the Power button to boot up the laptop/device.

  4. Select the source that you have the laptop plugged into - either VGA or HDMI.

    • Once selected, the active source button will change to white.

  5. Audio level can be adjusted using the Volume +/- buttons on the right side of the control screen.

  6. When you are finished using the equipment, please press the Off button to shut down the a/v system.

Touchscreen a/v controller and cable cubby
Crestron Main Menu

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