WAC 202

WAC 202

WAC 202 is a teaching space on the second floor of the World Affairs Center.  Instructional technology in this space includes a touchscreen a/v controller, wall-mounted data/video projector, wall-mounted speakers, connections for laptops and HD devices, and microphone ports for assistive listening devices.  

The information below documents how to accomplish common tasks with the a/v equipment in the room.





Tablet arm desks, 6ft chalkboard, 10ft chalkboard, two 4ft chalkboards, 8ft whiteboard, instructor table, and an instructor lectern.


Data/video projector, wall-mounted speakers, instructor a/v lectern with an international Blu-Ray player, document camera, connections for laptop, audio, and composite video.

Special Notes:

  • No food or drink permitted.

  • Notify Security x2355 for access on evenings and weekends.


Projecting from a laptop or other video device

  1. Connect one of the video cables (VGA or HDMI) from the cable cubby to the corresponding port on your laptop/device.

    • If you need to be away from the a/v cabinet, there is also a long cable tether on the hook on the left side of the podium that may be used to hook up to the laptop/device.

    • For audio with VGA, plug the 3.5mm audio cable into the headphone/audio out port on your laptop/device.

  2. Press the On button on the touchscreen Crestron a/v controller to activate the room a/v system.

  3. Press the Power button to boot up the laptop/device.

  4. Select the source that you have the laptop plugged into - either VGA or HDMI.

    • Once selected, the active source button will change to white.

  5. Audio level can be adjusted using the Volume buttons on the right side of the controller.

  6. When you are finished using the equipment, please press the Off button and then Yes confirm to shut down the a/v system.

Touchscreen controller and cable cubby
Screenshot of Crestron touchscreen controller main menu
Crestron Main Menu

Projecting the built-in Blu-Ray player (U.S. formatted content)

Note: Blu-Ray players are compatible with Blu-Ray discs, DVDs, and audio CDs.

  1. Press the On button on the Crestron touchscreen controller to activate the room a/v system.

  2. Press the Blu-Ray source button on the Crestron touchscreen controller.

  3. Press the Eject button on the Blu-Ray player (to the right of the disc tray) to open the tray and insert your disc, then press the Eject button again to close the disc tray and launch the disc.

  4. Navigation, menu, and playback controls:

    • Use the Directional Pad and Playback Controls on the Blu-Ray menu to navigate and control the disc content.

    • Use the Menu and Top Menu buttons to access disc features and menus.

    • The Subtitle button will cycle through the available subtitle options on the disc for onscreen display.

    • The Video Mute will shutter (blackout) the projector without turning it off.

    • Audio level can be adjusted using the Volume Up/Down and Mute control on the right side of the control screen.

  5. When you are finished using the equipment:

    • Press the Eject button to remove the disc, then press the Eject button again to close the disc tray.

    • Press the Back to Main Menu button.

    • Press the projector Off button and then press the Yes button on the confirmation screen to shut down the a/v system.

Blu-Ray logo
Blu-Ray player
Crestron Blu-Ray control menu
Blu-Ray controls menu

Projecting the built-in Blu-Ray player (Non-U.S. formatted content)

The Blu-Ray player in this classroom is capable of playing DVD or Blu-Ray discs from any region of the world. In order to playback international content, you may need to reboot the Blu-Ray player into a different content decoding mode.

International DVDs

No special steps are needed for international DVDs.  DVD regions are able to be automatically detected and set by the player. Simply insert your disc and follow the playback instructions from the section above.

International Blu-Rays

Switching Blu-Ray zones must be done using the Pioneer Blu-Ray player remote control located in the rack drawer of the a/v lectern.  First, you will need to identify which Blu-Ray  Zone the disc is formatted for.  This information should be printed on the disc or on the rear of the disc case.  The Blu-Ray Zone map image in this section may also be helpful identifying the zone/region code if you know the geographic region that produced the disc.

  • Zone A/1 - North America, South America, Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, Philippines, Indonesia.

  • Zone B/2 - Europe, Greenland, Middle East, Africa, Australia, New Zealand.

  • Zone C/3 - Russia, India, Mongolia, China.

Once you have identified the zone of origin for the Blu-Ray, follow these steps to switch between the different Blu-Ray zones:

  1. Start with the Blu-Ray player Off.

    • For Zone A/1, press 1 + Power.

    • For Zone B/2, press 2 + Power.

    • For Zone C/3, press 3 + Power.

  2. Turn the player On.

  3. Once you have set the Blu-Ray zone, insert your disc and follow the playback instructions from the section above.

  4. Please remember to return the Blu-Ray remote to the top rack drawer in the podium once you are done using it. 


If you encounter a Blu-Ray Region Code Error message when trying to access your disc, check the following settings:

  • Verify that you have selected the correct zone/region for the disc.

  • Go to Settings menu in the Blu-Ray player and make sure that the Quick Start option is set to Off.

  • Go to Video Options menu in the Blu-Ray player and make sure that the Last Memory option to Off.

  • Repeat the zone setting steps above.

  • If problems persist, contact LITS Support at 608-363-HELP (4357) for further assistance.

Blu-Ray Zone Encoding logo
Map of DVD encoding regions
DVD Region Identification Map
Map of Blu-Ray encoding zones
Blu-Ray Zone Identification Map


Projecting the built-in DVD/VCR

  1. Press the On button on the touchscreen Crestron a/v controller to activate the room a/v system.

  2. Press the DVD/VCR source button.

    • Once selected, the active source button will change to white.

  3. Press the Power button on the front left side of the DVD/VCR to turn it ON.

  4. Insert your VHS tape or DVD into the appropriate slot/tray on the player.

  5. Playback controls:

    • Use the Toshiba DVD/VCR remote control (located in the podium drawer) to navigate and control the cassette tape or disc.

    • Video Mute will shutter (blackout) the projector without turning it off.

    • Audio level can be adjusted using the Volume and Mute control on the right side of the control screen.

  6. When you are finished using the equipment:

    • Press the Open/Close button to eject your tape or disc.

    • Press the Back to Main Menu button on the touchscreen controller.

    • Press the projector Off button and then press the Yes button on the confirmation screen to shut down the a/v system.

    • Press the Power button on the DVD/VCR to turn it OFF.

DVD/VCR player

Projecting the built-in document camera

  1. Press the Doc Cam button on the touchscreen Crestron a/v controller to activate the room a/v system.

    • Once a source is selected, the projector will power up and the screen will lower automatically.

  2. Lift the camera arm for the doc cam up and to the right.

  3. Press the Power button on the document camera.

    • The LED ring on the on the power button will glow BLUE when the doc cam is On.

    • The LED ring on the power button will glow RED when the doc cam is Off.

  4. Be sure that the HDMI light is active.  If it is not, then press the Source button on the document camera until the HDMI light is active.

  5. To control the image:

    • If needed, there is an LED light in the camera head that can be activated with the Light button on the document camera controls.

    • Camera zoom can be controlled using the Zoom +/- buttons on the document camera.

    • Focus can be adjusted using the Focus AF button on the document camera.

    • The camera image brightness or darkness can be adjusted using the Brighten Image or Darken Image buttons on the document camera.

  6. When you are finished using the equipment:

    • Press the Power button on the document camera to turn it off.

    • Collapse the camera arm back into the body of the document camera.

    • Press the projector Shutdown button and then press the Yes button on the confirmation screen to shut down the a/v system.

Annotated photo of document camera body
Document camera
Annotated photo of document camera unit controls
Document camera unit controls
Annotated photo of document camera image controls
Document camera image controls

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