Receiving a Fax

Receiving a Fax


Beloit College uses eGoldFax to send and receive faxes for authorized faculty and staff users. If you are not an authorized user, please go to Faxing for Unauthorized Users.


Receiving a Fax via eGoldFax

If you are in a group specified to receive faxes, you will receive an email notification every time a fax is received by your departmental fax number. Incoming fax data will NOT be attached to that email, it is just a notification.

To retrieve the fax, navigate to your department’s fax folder. Fax folders are located in your departmental shared drives at \\bcvault\BCShares\FaxFolder\ and will contain all incoming faxes.

Adding or Removing Fax Recipients

Everyone currently in your departmental fax group will be able to access any received faxes. As departmental staffing rosters change, please notify LITS Support (support@beloit.edu) if you need to make any changes to the staff recipients for your fax group.


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