Getting a Beloit College Network Account

Getting a Beloit College Network Account

Email/Network Accounts

All students, faculty, and staff will be provided with a Beloit College account. One must have a Beloit College account in order to gain access to the college network with a personal computer or other personal network device.

For more information about connecting to the network, see Registering your Computer on the Beloit College Network.

Students receive their account information from admissions.

Faculty and staff receive account information from Human Resources.

Alumni Email
Beloit College offers Google accounts to all alumni (@alumni.beloit.edu). In order to obtain an account, fill out the account request form

Email and Network Support
If you have questions or problems, please contact IT Support.

To learn more about Google Apps for Education, go here: https://beloitcollege.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/documentation/pages/3998120/Google+Apps