LITS Loaner Equipment
The LITS InfoDesk has temporarily relocated to the Riverside Lounge on the first floor of the Powerhouse for the 2023-24 academic year while Morse Library is being renovated.
LITS offers short-term loaner equipment to current faculty, staff, and students. The LITS loaner pool is an ever-expanding selection of equipment that can be utilized for academic projects. It includes HD projectors, Chromebooks, high-quality audio and video recorders, a selection of a/v cables and adapters, and much more. Visit the LITS InfoDesk on the main level of Morse Library to see the full selection.
Digital audio recorders
Digital SLR cameras
Document cameras
Graphic design tablets
International power plug adapters
Projection screens
Video cameras
Video display adapters
Video players (DVD, Blu-Ray)
Video projectors
Webcam kits
Wireless presentation remotes
Equipment is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Equipment is restricted to on-campus use only. Please review the for more details on equipment lending and liability. Also, remember to bring your Beloit College ID card to checkout equipment.