Technology Purchase Policy (hardware/software/audio-visual)

Technology Purchase Policy (hardware/software/audio-visual)

It is College policy that all technology related items including computer hardware, peripherals that interface with computers, software and audio-visual equipment, regardless of funding source, are to be ordered through Library & Information Technology Services (LITS).

Please contact LITS Support to initiate the quotation and ordering process. LITS staff will work with you to identify the option(s) to meet your needs.

There are a number of advantages this policy offers:

  • Cost savings: cost savings are realized through discounts, greater standardization, volume purchasing, staffing efficiencies, and other means;

  • Consulting services: LITS is available to consult on the best options;

  • Support: affords more effective and efficient maintenance and support;

  • Tracking: appropriate equipment and software licenses will be added to the College's inventory database maintained by LITS for insurance and accounting purposes;

  • Compatibility: insures compatibility between all components of the Beloit College network;

  • Big picture: provides LITS with knowledge of campus resources to facilitate collaboration with, and integration of, information technology.

Please note that LITS will only purchase from approved vendors who provide supported products. College technology purchases are not made from individuals, through online auctions such as eBay or any similar type of purchasing source.

App purchases from places such as the Mac App Store or Google Play are related to a personal account. Therefore, individuals may make these purchases without consulting with LITS. It is up to the budget manager to determine if college funds should be used to make these purchases. If you have questions about what app may be beneficial to meet a particular need please feel free to consult with LITS.

Please allow additional time when requesting to purchase technology using college restricted funds or grant monies. LITS will forward all these requests to Accounting for approval prior to placing the order.

Individuals who do not order technology hardware/software and related equipment through LITS may have their College purchasing privileges revoked or may not be reimbursed for personal expenditures.   As a reminder, all LITS purchases are posted to the respective month they are received, not when they are ordered.

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