It is possible to allow members into a group from outside the college’s Beloit College domain ( To do so :

  • Open the group and navigate to the settings for the group.

  • In the Settings section, click on the Identity link. Select “Either display name or Google profile” for the Required Identity setting

    follow the instructions given below.

    1. Navigate to your group in Google Groups. 
    2. Click on the gear/settings icon.
    3. On the context menu, click Group Settings
    4. Expand the Settings menu item on the left side of the screen.
    5. Click on Identity.
    6. Check the box to Either display name or Google profile for the Required Forms of Identity.
      It is also recommended that you select, “Every check the box to Every display name must be unique.
      Screenshot of Google Group membership settingsImage Removed

    7. Save the changesClick on the Save button.

    8. Navigate Now navigate to Permissions > and expand the Permissions menu. Click on Basic Permissions.

    9. Check the box to allow, “Allow Allow new users not in in
      Screenshot of allowing external members into a Google GroupImage Removed

    10. Save the changes.
      You can now navigate to Members > Direct add members and enter the email addresses or the members outside the Beloit College domain you would like to add to the group.

    Required forms of identity
    Allowing External Mmebers to Join a GroupImage Added
    Basic Permissions- allow external members to join

    Allow external members to join a groupImage Added