Creating a Shortcut for a Remote Desktop Connection in Windows

The Remote Desktop feature enables a user to connect to a computer in a different location, see and interact with that computer's desktop as if it were local.  Once a remote desktop connection has been setup, follow the instructions below to create a shortcut for a Remote Desktop Connection in Windows.

  1. Find the BCCONNECT icon on the desktop
  2. Right click on the BCCONNECT icon and click Create shortcut.
  3. Find new icon on desktop.
  4. Right click on the new BCCONNECT - shortcut and click Rename
  5. Rename icon to JCONNECTTEST
  6. Right click on JCONNECTTEST icon and click Edit
  7. Enter JCONNECTTEST in the Computer field, click Save, click Connect
  8. Check Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer, click Connect
  9. Enter Password, click OK
Remote Desktop Connection Menu
Screenshot of Remote Desktop Connection Menu
Remote Desktop Connection Confirmation
Screenshot of Remote Desktop Connection Confirmation Screen
Enter your Credentials
Screenshot of Enter Your Windows Credentials Screen