The attendance activity module enables a teacher to take attendance during class and students to view their own attendance record.
The teacher can create multiple sessions and can mark the attendance status as Present, Absent, Late, or Excused or modify the statuses to suit their needs.
Reports are available for the entire class or individual students.
Setting up attendance
Setting up the attendance activity consists of the following steps:
- Add the activity to a course
- Add the class meeting dates
- Remove any extra class meetings (due to holidays, etc.)
- Configure the settings
Add the Attendance Activity
Add Class Meeting Dates
Remove Extra Class Meeting Dates
Configure Attendance Settings
Optional: Attendance Block
Taking Attendance
Workflow Tips
- Have your Teaching Assistant print the participant list for the upcoming class session (just click the green button, then print the page and close without saving)
- Students sign their names in the appropriate boxes
- T.A then quickly completes the Attendance on Moodle immediately after the class.
- Follow up unexcused absences using Quickmail.