
The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical.

The teacher can allow the quiz to be attempted multiple times, with the questions shuffled or randomly selected from the question bank. A time limit may be set.

Each attempt is marked automatically, with the exception of essay questions, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook.

The teacher can choose when and if hints, feedback and correct answers are shown to students.

Quizzes may be used

  • As course exams

  • As mini tests for reading assignments or at the end of a topic

  • As exam practice using questions from past exams

  • To deliver immediate feedback about performance

  • For self-assessment


Table of Contents
Child pages (Children Display)

Adding a quiz

Follow the steps given below to add a quiz. 

  1. Turn on editing in your course by clicking the Turn on editing button in the upper right or the Turn on editing link in the Administration block on the left.
  2. Click the Add an activity or resource link in the section where you want the quiz to appear.
  3. Click Quiz in the Add an activity or resource window and then click the Add button.

Adding questions

The first time you create a quiz, you can click the Edit quiz button in the center of the screen to start adding questions.  After you have added at least one question, you can get to the question-adding screen by clicking the Edit quiz link in the Administration block of the quiz.

Follow the steps given below to add questions to a quiz. 

  1. Click the Add a question button to create a new question.
  2. Choose your desired question type from the Choose a question type to add window, then click the Next button.
  3. Every question requires a Question name and the Question text.  
    • The Question name is for your own reference and will not be shown to students.  The Question textis the prompt of the question to which students respond.
  4. Enter appropriate answers in the Answers section of the question.
  5. Indicate which answer is correct by setting the “Grade” for that answer to be 100%.  Use the “Grade” setting to indicate partially correct alternate answers, when applicable. 
  6. Click Save changes when you are finished.

Question behavior 

The Question behavior section of the Quiz settings page is where you define how you want the questions in this quiz to behave.  The question behavior types are available in the How questions behave.

  • Deferred FeedbackStudents are not shown any feedback on their question attempts until they have completely finished the quiz.
  • Immediate FeedbackStudents are able to check their answers during the quiz and receive feedback as defined in the Review options settings.
  • Adaptive modeStudents are allowed to try questions as many times as they need to receiving feedback as defined in the Review options settings. They incur penalties for each try.
  • Adaptive mode (no penalties)Students are allowed to try questions as many times as they need to while receiving feedback as defined in the Review options settings.  No penalties are applied.
  • Interactive with multiple triesStudents are allowed multiple tries on questions, the number of tries is based on the number of Hints configured in the questions themselves.  
  • Deferred Feedback with CBMStudents are not shown any feedback on their question attempts until they have completely finished the quiz. Each question includes Certainty-Based Marking (see below).
  • Immediate Feedback with CBMStudents are able to check their answers during the quiz and receive feedback as defined in the Review options settings.Each question includes Certainty-Based Marking (see below).

Certainty-Based Marking (CBM)

Certainty-Based Marking (CBM) prompts students to indicate their confidence in their answer to each question.  Their confidence ratings also factor into their quiz scores, as well.  

Review and Feedback Options

The Moodle quiz activity may be used in multiple ways: as a study aid, a formative or summative assessment. The way in which the tool functions depends on how you setup the review and feedback options.

Feedback Choices

Providing general and specific feedback can make the quiz a powerful teaching and learning tool.

  • The attempt - Can the student view the report of their attempt after they complete the quiz?
  • Whether correct - Does the student get informed if their answer is correct or not?
  • Marks - Does the student see how many points they earned for the question attempted?
  • Specific feedback - Does the student see customized feedback based on the answer they submitted as configured in the question item?
  • General feedback - Does the student see customized general feedback as configured in the question item?
  • Right answer - Does the student see the correct answer after they try a question?
  • Overall feedback - Does the student see the overall feedback configured in the quiz settings?

Review Options

The Review options section gives you control over exactly what feedback the students receives and when. 

There are four different timings to choose from in the Review options area:

  • During the attempt - What does the student see while they are in the middle of taking the quiz?
  • Immediately after the attempt - What does the student see right after they complete their quiz attempt?
  • Later, while the quiz is still open - What does the student see two minutes after completing their quiz attempt?
  • After the quiz is closed - What does the student see once the quiz has been closed?

Note: If you want to use a quiz as a study aid (providing immediate feedback to students about their responses at all points throughout the quiz), select all options.

Review options

Grading a Quiz

Most question types in Moodle quiz can be automatically graded, but the Essay question requires the instructor to input a grade. There are many ways you can view the results from quiz attempts, below are some of the more common tasks in quiz grading.

Viewing quiz results

  1. Click the link for the quiz on the course page to open the quiz.
  2. Below the Review Quiz heading in the middle of the screen, click the Attempts link.

The top of the results page gives you options to filter the results shown, which is especially helpful when you have large classes.  

Default Results Report: Grades

This report shows you any attempts the students have at least started, including:

  • State of quiz attempt (Finished or In Progress)
  • Date/time quiz was started
  • Date/time quiz was completed
  • Time taken to completion
  • Scores for each question with indications of correctness

Each attempt is shown on its own row, even if the same students attempts the quiz multiple times.  You may sort the grid by any of the fields by clicking the column heading text at the top of each column.

Grading Essays

There are two ways to grade essays:

  1. Click the Requires grading link in the Grades report. In the pop-up window that appears, grade the individual essay attempt
  2. In the Administration block, click the triangle to the left of Results. Click Manual Grading in the sub-menu that appears

The Manual Grading results report allows you to grade all question submissions on a single page, so it is much more efficient.  You can also choose to view all submitted answers to any automatically graded question, making it quick and easy to comment and/or override the automatic grades.

Overriding Grades

  1. In the Grades report, click the score of the submission you want to view and/or override.
  2. Click the Make comment or override mark link to open new window with a comment box.
  3. Click Save to override the grade.

Note: It’s also possible to view all submissions to a particular question on the Manual Grading report, see above for details.

Item Statistics

This report gives a statistical (psychometric) analysis of the quiz, and the questions within it. The top section of this report gives a summary of the whole quiz. The next section gives an analysis showing all questions in a table format. There are links in this section to edit individual questions or drill down into a detailed analysis of a particular question. The last section of this report is a bar graph of the percent of correct answers (Facility index) and the Discriminative efficiency index.

The full report (overview, and detailed analysis of all questions) can be downloaded in a variety of formats, as can the quiz structure analysis table.

  1. In the Administration block, click the triangle to the left of Results
  2. Click Statistics in the sub-menu that appears

Viewing a single attempt

  1. On the Grades report, locate the student whose attempt you wish to see
  2. Click the Review attempt link below the name of the student

Downloading response data

  1. At the top of the results grid, find the pull-down menu that defaults to Comma separated values text file
  2. Choose the format you would prefer from that menu.
  3. Click the Download button to the right of that menu
      • To download question scores, do this from the Grades report (Results > Grades).
      • To download question responses, do this from the Responses report (Results > Responses).
      • To download question statistics, do this from the Statistics report (Results > Statistics).